Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ways that will cure dengue disease by 24 hours

Yahku hpawpya m y sayywarrhar luutine luutine aalwaltakuu lotenine m y naeelamkaungg hpyitmaallhoet yonekyipartaal . Innsayy hpaw hcauthphoetaatwat loaautsaw sayywarrkatot sainbhawrwat hpyitpartaal .

Hto sainbhaw rwatko ng rote sonenae htaungglitepyee ( shoetmahote) kyawwat pyinpawtwin a rwatmyarrko kyay nyaataaung kyaate hkyaypyee htwatshilarsaw aaraimyarrko swaylwan totekway hpyitnaysaw luunaraarr titepayy litepar . Htoluunarhar sayy soutpyeesai aahkyanemha 24 narre aatwinmhar rawgar waydanarhar sisisarsar saatsar larpyee laannsaann lar hcaymhar hpyitpartaal .

Sainbhaw rwateat aaraihar kohkandharaatwinshi swaylwantotekway hpyithcaysaw selllmyarrko san hcain payymharpell hpyittaallhoet aindiyaninenganmha douttar Marissa Sumera Molawan k pyawwpartaal . Aarrlone aanarrawgar kainnhcainpyee kyannmarpyawshwin ninekyaparhcay .

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

He had left home and how to make return

Taithkartaitlaymhar lainmayarrhkyinn hcatesoepyee meinm k/ youtyarrk aainpaw k sainn swarrlhoet , sarr layyk aainpyan m larlhoet sameelayyk aain k htwatswarrlhoet sotarmyoetway kyuanr taatpartaal . Aelldelomyoe aain kataityoutyout htwatswarr lhoet pyanhkawhkyintae aahkar aoutpar gambher y tyaar layyko pyulote par .

Aain k htwatswarrtaesuurae aain kyae taithtai ( aahaungg hpyithcay , aasait hpyithcay rapartaal) ko yuu . raymway aanaeengaal paat hpyann payypar . Aaede aainkya eko ray htellmhar hcain par . Pyeerain ray m nyaitpell rayhcaat laataatine aainshaetaitnayrarmhar lhaann par . Lhaannrainn aainko sati tway r nayparhcay . Lwm nayparhcay . Aainko pyanrout hkyinhcatetway pawnayparhcay sopyee sutaungg par .

Ray naeenaee hkyawwattaeaahkar pyanhcain pyan lhaann , pyanhcain pyan lhaann hc s hpyang lotepayypar . Aain k htwatswarrsuutway aainko pyanrout lar hcaypartaal . Aalwan htiroutpyee aalwal tuukuu pyuloteninetae gambher naeelayy ko hpawpyapayylitepartaal 3 raattiti i naeelam aatine saungrwat par .

Pyawshwinsaw misarrhcu bhawalayy pinesine ninekyaparhcay . Y tyaarko yoneyonekyikyi lote kyanypar htuuhkyarr lim mai . Baydain nhanglakhkanar sarar mainnsuhk ( mayttar hpyang).

09440243656 (Viber)

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Supernatural Events That Science can not do a Solution

These events will start the event in the former city of Jieyang China really happened on April 21, 2017, hundreds of people in. Heaven on a large urban found a year and loved the city. Some of this is an unusual situation. The Chinese military tested for visual creativity He said. In fact, this is impossible because of the heat wave. Also reflects reflects shades of urban buildings. Some of aliens Urban said.

Sometimes bones, hail. Yet rare tornado that have been absorbed by the sea. There are five kinds of village. The tornado Spain cows trunk village. What more spiders in favor of the empty part of the spider to lend exclusive village wonder what how this tornado.

There is a magnetic field in the world. World Big Bang outside world turned into a big black hole of the universe. This collection, a path arrow causes about 150-250 million years ago, a collection of black hole was formed. Like the Milky Way are Radio Television code would then unite around this. This situation caused converged black holes are large, too great to throw in if the planet hunting position.

This town is a good thing that an ancient city in south central New Mexico. "Taos Hum," the man called in and the town is not even 2%, but loud at night urban noisy thud hear. If you want to catch the recording machine will only appear on mobile phones if copying machines these cases, you lose blood. Q. end there.

Tunguska River in Serbia, and the June 30, 1908, having the form of a lake. ကွှေ့ water after 6 km above the soccer ball fire occurred said. In the so-called black lights while these shock waves would diminish. They are lightweight spray because there is the nearby Large tree species living in scattered around a large part already wonder of space.

"If you win playing in Yangon, I need to practice," Anna Sun Said

Myanmar has won two world championship belt is dominated body weight permits Darren and heavyweight world champion Anna Sun and prepare the players if they win in Yangon said there will not even practice.

Anna Sun protection belt belly weight permits Darren Champion in Yangon on June 29 Japanese players will compete with the Yellow Hat, the pre-tournament media and was interviewed via skype at the above answer.

Prepare training is the only key that can realize when playing Anna Sun "in Yangon more preparation let the fans and everyone. Amendments will be a good achievement. Whether whom preparation is important. Yangon, so do not take out.

Stop the preparation, if you can play in Yangon. There is nothing anymore news. But no such. Yangon, where any case, then try to adjust well, I believe efforts were successful, "he said.
Originally from the Brazilian players to compete with competitors without having to go much change in training methods and tactical training, according to Anna Sun said.

About upcoming rivals Hutchison's resistance to the Japanese players are very good, Long says, he thinks a few games The spotlight would be best to play up and said he had no estimate.

Kan Hutchison's body weight Championship although Japan experienced Smith Darren is one of the best players in the prime advantage of leg power and intense competition 5 4 win.

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